Browse Items (34 total)

Procession  - Andriuolo Tomb 61, 350 BC.jpg
Location: National Archaeological Museum of Paestum

Location: Paestum
Date: c. 520-510 BC
Details: Greek settlers founded Poseidonia (later called Paestum) around 600 BC. One of the earliest civic structures is the heroon, a square, roofed chamber that was carved out of bedrock near the agora…

Deer Hunting Scene - Tomb 1.jpg
Location: National Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Date: 375-350 BC (?)*

Room of the Golden Vaults with holes.jpg
Location: Rome
Date: 64-68 AD
Details: The Domus Aurea was a large park-and-residence palace built by the emperor Nero on the Oppian Hill. The building was constructed largely in the area destroyed in the "Great Fire" (AD 64), and included groves,…

Return of the Warrior - Andriuolo Tomb 12, 375-370 BC.jpg
Location: National Archaeological Museum of Paestum
Date: 375-370 BC

Location: Paestum
Date: c. 500 BC
Details: This archaic Greek temple was built in the Greek colony of Poseidonia (later called Paestum), which was probably established in southern Italy around 600 BC. The remains are one of the oldest standing…

Temple of Hera, with smaller temple of Hera in background.jpg
Location: Paestum
Date: 460-450 BC
Details: Originally this temple was identified as a Temple of Poseidon/Neptune, but finds dedicated to Hera (including a silver disk that proclaims "I am sacred to Hera: strengthen our bows"), and sculptures…

Temple of Hera-Basilica from the west.jpg
Location: Paestum
Date: 560-520 BC
Details: Originally this temple was identified as a basilica (i.e. a public meeting space), but finds dedicated to Hera (including a silver disk that proclaims "I am sacred to Hera: strengthen our bows"), and…

Location: Rome
Date: c. 120-80 BC
Details: Roman temple dedicated to the god Portunus, associated with harbors, keys, and livestock. Originally located near the harbor of the Tiber river in ancient Rome.
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